Monday, November 5, 2007

Six Second Crusader Strike and You

So with the long-awaited CD reduction on Crusader Strike, a problem I first faced in ZG back in pre-BC 2.0 is this - how do you deal with adding such a frequent swing to your rotation?

Very carefully.

First task: Get a swing timer. A good one, anything on Curse with a decent rating should do. You must make sure never to let SoC not be up during a swing, and you'll be spamming a lot more attacks so be careful about this.

Second: Plan it out. I don't necessarily advocate finding "The Exact Rotation", where you know exactly what to do every second. I like a little ambiguity in my combat style, but the fundamentals of it are good to keep in mind. Falling into a steady pace isn't a bad idea at all, and at least understanding what you need to do to maximize your DPS is a good idea.

For example, timing can become a serious constraint: Hitting your Judgment at the wrong time means you have to recast SoC right when your CS is up from cooldown, wasting a couple of seconds. Not a big deal, of course, but do that enough times and it can really start to impact your ability to maximize your damage. Or perhaps you CS right after a judgment, and don't have enough time to recast SoC before your next swing. These are the problems that get in the way, and why you should have at least priorities on what gets precedence over other skills.

So what do you need to do? That is, what are the actions you must absolutely take?
Crusader Strike on the Cooldown, every time.
Have Seal of Command (or Blood for the BEs) up for every melee swing.

This is, of course, leaving out Judgments. These are still important, and the skills on older and newer librams available to us gives us the challenge of timing them right. For example, Libram of Avengement that jacks your crit rating up for 5 seconds. You want this for at least one SoC swing and one Crusader Strike, so your best bet is to get a melee swing in, Judge/Recast SoC (1.5 seconds GCD) and follow it up with a Crusader Strike that's just off cooldown. Nothing ever gets timed THAT well, of course, but that's the idea.

Judgments are a tertiary part of our damage, behind auto attack and Crusader Strike, but they have potential, especially with Avengement and the upcoming libram from Heroic Badges, and mean that you want to use a Judgment just before your other swings. Thus, it's ok to sit on the Judgment cooldown, since if you save it for when CS is nearly ready it can add a good chance for that CS to really count.

There are people who have worked out the Super Mega Perfect Combat Rotation for Retribution Paladins, and I'll probably quote some of their work if I can get a good solid quote sometime, but for now just keep in mind that Judgments should never be used if they'll in any way affect your Crusader Strike or swing timer. And, again, get a swing timer mod. Seriously.


Alex - aka Firelight said...

While i'm excited about the up-coming changes, i'm worried about all this extra work!!!

I've recently gotten a swing timer, and its hard enough as it is trying to time every thing right.

There's nothing more annoying at the moment than having "dead time" when you have to wait a whole swing getting hit doing no damage.
3.6 seconds is a lot of time waiting for something to happen! Especially when you've got 3/4 mobs on you!

grumpus said...

Nice explanation!

Just found your blog, looking forward to more posts with your experiences on the 2.3 changes. :)

Unknown said...

think you can use the swingtimer in quartz, at least I do so with my hunter farming alt.

Guess I will have to activate it on my paladin aswell if I wanna try out some retrib pew pew :)

Jayson - Gilneas said...

Hey fellas, been a Ret pally a long time, just wanted to point out the fact that you can have 100% SoCom uptime if you use this macro and replace your judgement key with it:

/cast judgement
/cast Seal of Command (or blood of course)

It automatically refreshes your seal everytime you judge. The macro used to have /stopcasting inbetween the two lines, but after the patch, changes to spell requests should make that obsolete.

Regardless, this will keep you from ever missing a SoCom on a swing.

Michael said...

Thanks for the comment guys - jayson, I wanna try it out to be sure, as I've generally been anti-macro, but that would be very nice if it works right indeed, and save me an extra button no less. I'll make a post if I can make it work smoothly!